Check out my Google Scholar for the list of all publications.

Selected presentations and publications

Bhattacharjee, M., Nigmatulina, I., Prasad, A., Rangappa, P., Madikeri, S., Motlicek, P., … & Kleinert, M. (2024, April). Contextual Biasing Methods for Improving Rare Word Detection in Automatic Speech Recognition. In ICASSP 2024-2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) (pp. 12652-12656). IEEE.

Nigmatulina, I., Madikeri S., Villatoro-Tello E., Motlicek P., Zuluaga-Gomez J., Pandia K., Ganapathiraju A. Implementing contextual biasing in GPU decoder for online ASR. Proc. Interspeech 2023.

Nigmatulina, I., Zuluaga-Gomez, J., Prasad, A., Sarfjoo, S. S., & Motlicek, P. (2022, May). A two-step approach to leverage contextual data: speech recognition in air-traffic communications. In ICASSP 2022-2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) (pp. 6282-6286). IEEE.

Zuluaga-Gomez, J., Nigmatulina, I., Prasad, A., Motlicek, P., Veselý, K., Kocour, M., & Szöke, I. (2021). Contextual semi-supervised learning: An approach to leverage air-surveillance and untranscribed ATC data in ASR systems. Proc. Interspeech 2021.

Nigmatulina, I., Braun, R., Zuluaga-Gomez, J., & Motlicek, P. (2021). Improving callsign recognition with air-surveillance data in air-traffic communication. arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.12156.

Kocour, M., Veselý, K., Szöke, I., Kesiraju, S., Zuluaga-Gomez, J., Blatt, A., Prasad, A., Nigmatulina, I., Motlíček, P., Klakow, D. and Tart, A., 2021. Automatic processing pipeline for collecting and annotating air-traffic voice communication data. Engineering Proceedings, 13(1), p.8.

Nigmatulina, I., Kew, T., and Samardžić, T. ASR for Non-standardised Languages with Dialectal Variation: the case of Swiss German. Accepted for presentation and publication in VarDial workshop, Dec. 2020.

Nigmatulina, I., Kew, T., and Samardžić, T. Swiss German speech-to-text with Kaldi. SwissText, 2020 (presentation).

Kew, T., Nigmatulina, I., Nagele, L., and Samardžić, T. UZH TILT: A Kaldi recipe for Swiss German Speech to Standard German Text. SwissText conference, 2020.

Dmitrieva, O., Conklin, J., Nigmatulina, Y. Transferring cue-weighting from second language into first language: Group trends and individual differences. The Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 140(4), 2016. Pp. 3333-3334.

Nigmatulina, I., Riechakajnen, E. Pauses and pitch contours in spontaneous speech processing: Evidence from Russian. Presented at the “Tone and Intonation in Europe” (TIE 2016). University of Kent, Canterbury, the UK 2016 (presentation).

Nigmatulina Y., Rajeva O., Riechakajnen E., Slepokurova N., Vencov A. How to study spoken word recognition: evidence from Russian // Slavic Languages in the Black Box. Tuebinger Beitraege zur Linguistik. Tuebingen: narr-Verlag, 2016. Pp. 175-190.

Nigmatulina Y. Word-External Reduction in Spontaneous Russian // Speech and Computer. Volume 9319 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Athens 2015. Pp. 495-503.

Nigmatulina, I. Phonetic information relevant for spoken word recognition // International conference ‘Phonetics and phonology in Europe’ (PaPE 2015). University of Cambridge, Cambridge, the UK. 2015 (presentation).

Nigmatulina Y. Sound contraction in Russian spontaneous speech and its implications for spoken word recognition // New Perspectives on Speech in Action. Proceedings of the 2nd SJUSK Conference on Contemporary Speech Habits. Copenhagen 2013. Pp. 127-140.

Nigmatulina Y. Fading of word boundaries in spontaneous and read-aloud speech: evidence from Russian. St.Petersburg State University Journal, St.Petersburg, 2017. Pp. 76-88.